Looking for Small, Simple Steps to Increase Your Health & Wellness?

Small Steps.  Increase Health & Wellness.  Simple steps.  Every day.

Change doesn’t occur overnight but what you repeat does make a difference in how you feel today, tomorrow and into your future.  Over time, small decisions add up to big results.  A cancer diagnosis woke me up to this realization and now I’m passionate about helping others that are interested in learning to have this same empowerment.  Prevention is where it’s at. So many daily choices benefit or harm our health, and how we feel.  Are you like I was, clueless about where to begin and what to change?  Maybe these suggestions can help you then?  Take a look at the list below and challenge yourself to try one new suggestion.  They’re simple but significant, empowering you as you take small steps, moving forward, on your own healthy journey.  Imagine the changes you can make in 6, 8, 12 months by starting small today?  Give yourself grace as it’s certainly a process and not an event!

  1.  Eat light at night.  This is something you’ve likely heard before.  If possible, eat your larger meals earlier in the day and have a light dinner.  If your body is busy digesting a large, energy-packed meal, it will be challenged to get the rest you need at bedtime.

  2. Spend time being thankful.  Our mindset at the start of our day, sets the tone for the rest of our day.  Personally, I begin with devotions, pray to thank God for another day along with giving thanks to Him for His guidance in my life, in addition to reading from a personal or professional development book.  This begins and ends my day.  These activities set my mindset in the morning and help me settle my mind for sleep at the day’s end.  If your current life circumstances are challenged, try to think of at least one thing each morning that you are thankful for.  Maybe writing these in a journal kept on your nightstand can be helpful when you need a little pick-me-upper.    

  3. Put your fork down between bites and chew!  Did you know that digestion begins in the mouth? While we chew, our saliva mixes with our food breaking it down for the stomach. The more we chew, the easier it is on our stomachs to break the food down further and absorb the most nutrition from it.  An easy practice is putting down your fork between bites.  This practice can help you to enjoy each bite you are eating.  Challenge yourself…don’t take another bite until what’s in your mouth has been thoroughly chewed!

  4. Get out into nature.  Research shows that being in nature provides benefits to our health. Personally, I can’t get enough of being outside and in nature whether it’s hiking, biking, walking, camping or sitting by a fire. I never get tired of being in nature.  While living in the Northeast has its challenges, I walk regardless of the weather…rain, sleet, snow.  Bring it on!  😊  Being outside in God’s creation can have a profound effect on one’s well-being.  Go for a walk at a nearby park after work, stroll through a flower garden, have an outdoor picnic or just step outside to take some deep breaths when you have a few minutes. Your mind, body and spirit will thank you!

  5. Minimize multitasking.  The next time you’re tempted to check your phone while working or talking with a loved one…pause.  Finish what you’re working on, listen without distraction.  See how this helps you be present in your work and personal relationships.  Multitasking is really dividing your attention between different tasks.  It has been shown to decrease productivity.

  6. Schedule “Me Time” Minutes.  Make time for yourself.  Whatever that looks like for you personally.  Find daily moments of joy.  Taking time for “Me Time” Minutes is enough to reduce stress levels and uplift spirits which support health and wellness!  We all need to schedule these times for ourselves!

  7. Drink more water!  Just doing this every day boosts your metabolism, aids clearer skin, improves energy, helps digestion to name a few benefits.  If you don’t care for the taste of water, try adding a few slices of your favorite fruit or some seltzer for the bubble. 

  8. Keep moving!  Exercise isn’t limited to going to the gym, playing a sport or running.  Anything from walking to taking the stairs or dancing and biking can accomplish this goal.  Make sure it’s an activity you enjoy so you will continue it.  Challenge yourself to fit more movement into your day, even if it’s walking around the room for a minute every hour or parking your car a little farther from the store entrance.  Make a plan for where you can increase movement into your day.

As an Integrative Health & Wellness Coach, optimal wellness is doing what brings you joy and finding balance that works for you personally.  If you need help reaching your personal goals, click below to schedule your FREE health consultation.  One thing that brings me joy is assisting and watching others achieve their goals for long lasting results and benefits.

Share what you’re changing below. Which suggestion resonates with you?


“Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything.”

James 1:4