Honest Reflection: Do You Manage Your Time? Does Your Time Manage You?

Honest Reflection.  Time Management.  To Do List.

Awareness is the first step in making changes.  In this day, social media can be a major distraction for me and a common distraction for so many others.  Maybe this is not your distraction but you are distracted by something else?  Join me as we reflect on how we spend our time and where we may need improvement.  We all choose what we do with our limited time each day.  Do you use yours to accomplish what you’d like?  Be honest with yourself in this exercise.  You don’t have to share your answers with anyone unless you want to.  Grab a journal or a piece of paper and get ready to increase your awareness.  Learn what’s working and where you may need to set a boundary.  Below I share some of my challenges and what I’ve found helpful for me.  Join me in reflecting on these questions.

1.  The projects I am prioritizing right now are ________________________.

Currently, I’m in an Intensive Practicum Course in preparation to sit for the National Board Certification for Health and Wellness Coaching Exam.  This involves buddy coaching and group calls in addition to completing the learning modules.  I’m also building my business, working with clients, and developing my website.  I begin and end each day with devotions, bible reading, book reading for personal and professional development.  Part of what I do involves checking my social media accounts and email.  Before entering my social media accounts, I remind myself to accomplish what is necessary and that’s enough.  This has really helped me to be prepared with a disciplined mindset.  I have also prayed about this challenge which we ask for His wisdom and He provides.

2. This week, I accomplished ____________, which supports my goal of ____________. 

I accomplished my learning module, group coaching calls and scheduled my upcoming buddy sessions, which supports my goal of completing the course completion requirements.

3. This week, I did not complete _________________ because __________________.

I did not complete my arm weight exercises because I chose to do other things.  This is an area I’m struggling to fit into my routine.  Today, I had a commitment outside my home in the early morning.  My goal is do these exercises after I am ready for the day, before breakfast.  It’s really a perfect time as our muscles look for protein after a workout.  Pray for me to fit this in.

4. I often interrupt my work to ______________________________________. (watch television, text a friend, check Facebook, etc.)

I often interrupt my work to check my cell phone, reply to text messages, check and respond to emails and check my notifications on Facebook.  I check notifications and email twice a day and text messages a number of times a day.  I approach these breaks with set time boundaries as I mentioned above.

5. I retain information better when I ________________________________. (take notes, discuss materials with a friend, review information multiple times, etc.)

Personally, I retain information better when I do all the above examples given.  I am a note-taker and enjoy sharing what I learn with others.  To help me remember what I learn, I also need to review information multiple times! 

6. I keep track of my schedule with __________. It works for me because _____________.

I keep track of my schedule with an old-fashioned paper calendar with good-sized boxes for each day.  It works as all my appointments are in one place and I can see the full month.  Being able to see the upcoming days, weeks and month, helps me so I don’t get over-committed.  To prepare myself for the next day’s schedule, I check my calendar before bed.

7. I say “no” to projects and/or people when __________________________. (I have no space left on my calendar, I need to make time for myself, their goals or priorities don’t line up with mine, etc.)

I’ve had lots of practice saying “no”.  What we practice, we get better at.  I’ve also had times when I didn’t say “no” and have been overwhelmed.  We all have been in this place, right?  I know what my limits are.  Everyone can relate to this challenge when I explain a “no” that my schedule is overloaded. Over- commitment stresses me out and robs me of my peace.  As a result, I try to avoid putting myself there as much as I can so I can also be fully available to the people and commitments I have made.

8. I feel stressed or stretched thin when ________________.  I know I am stressed when ________________.

I feel stressed or stretched too thin when I have too many commitments of my time for too many days in a row.  If I have too much going on for a weekend but the next day or two aren’t packed, I can usually recover well.  I know I’m stressed when I feel frazzled and jumpy on the inside and need to take a break, breath, relax and pray.  Otherwise, I can take it out on those closest to me which I try not to do, as that doesn’t end well for any of us!

9. I feel energized when I ________________________.  (attend morning Pilate class, relax in the evening, stretch between long sessions at desk/computer, etc.)

There are many things that help me feel energized.  I feel energized spending time with those I love, walking in nature, getting a good night’s sleep, thanking God each morning for a new day, seeing the sunshine to name a few. 

10. I focus better when I ____________________. (have a deadline date, 15-minute break every hour, put my phone on silent, etc.)

I focus better when I have quiet.  I also focus better with my phone off and in the other room.  I’m not tempted then to check it so often.  This way I can check it when I can.

So, have you found areas that need some management with how you spend your time? Doing this exercise can raise your awareness and, ultimately, lead to change.  If we aren’t aware of what we do, we cannot change patterns.  Is it managing you at times? Do you want better control of your time?  If so, you need a plan for action.  What will you promise yourself to do differently? Share your plan with one, trusted person, or even in the comments below.  Ask someone to help keep you accountable by checking in with you about how you are doing.  Write out your plan of action and here is a guide to help you…


What change do you want to make in how you manage your time?  Name one goal you will work on: ________________________________________________.

When will you begin taking the following action steps? ____________________.

List 3 Steps You Will Take to Make This Change a Reality for You:

1. _________________________________________________________________

2. _________________________________________________________________

3. _________________________________________________________________

“Sluggards do not plow in season; so at harvest time they look but find nothing.”

Proverbs 20:4

Share in the comments below what you’d like to change and share your 3 steps to make it happen.  Your steps may help someone else trying to make a similar change.