Building Immunity to Good Health & Wellness

Building Immunity to Good Health & Wellness

With today’s COVID-19 pandemic happening across our globe, there is so much that feels out of control.  In spite of it, there is a lot you can control.  You can control how you respond, how you take care of your body and what you do with your time.  If you want to be truly healthy and feel well, you have to take care of the one body that God has given you.  How you choose to take care of your mind, body and spirit has a significant impact on how you feel about yourself.  I don’t just say these words; I know from my own experiences.

Body, Mind & Spirit

Body, mind and spirit cannot be separated, which is why I have kept them together in one section.  The three work together to form a whole, balanced you.  The physical body cannot be well without giving attention to your mind and spirit.  Whatever benefits your mind and spirit, affects the body too. Below are some helpful suggestions towards total health and wellness.

Detox Your Body

  • Drink Water ~ Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate.  So much of your body is water.  It’s important to replenish for the proper functioning of cells, brain and organs, as well as keeping your mucus membranes moist.  Water also helps eliminate what’s unwanted.  My daily goal is to drink at least half my body weight in ounces.  How about you?

  • Jump on Rebounder or Jump Rope  ~ The lymphatic fluid system filters out toxins, wastes and other unwanted materials. It’s the filtering system for your whole body.  Jumping helps shake the “junk” lose.  Why is the function of this system so important…it sends white blood cells throughout your body to fight infection and disease .

  • Sauna use is a great way to sweat out toxins, if you have access to one.

  • Epsom Salt (Magnesium Sulfate) Baths .  Most of society has issues with a lack of magnesium in their bodies.  You can read more about Dr. Mercola’s perspective on magnesium and what you can do to improve your intake.  Not only is bathing detoxing and will increase your magnesium levels, it can be relaxing too.

  • Keep your Digestion and Elimination Flowing ~ All information shared in this section can assist to keeping this system flowing.  Magnesium citrate can also be supportive to keep it all working efficiently.  Using a hot water bottle on your stomach is relaxing and can help relieve constipation.

Eat You Fruits & Vegetables ~ Eat as many of these nutrient dense, colors of the rainbow as possible.  Not only do vegetables have immune boosting phytonutrients, they help your body detox.  Herbs and spices, like garlic, ginger, parsley, basil, turmeric can easily be added when cooking to boost nutrient density. When your nutritional needs are met, you feel better and your body can perform at its best to prevent illness and disease.  Personally, having had a previous cancer diagnosis, I stick with low glycemic fruit options.  A blood sugar spike in your body, even from eating too much of the wrong fruits, is breeding ground for inflammation and disease. 

Avoid Inflammatory Foods ~ Like white potatoes, wheat breads, sweeteners, sugar, white rice, white flour, etc.  Dr. Axe discusses more foods to avoid in this article about the root of disease.  Inflammation = Disease. 

Slow Down and Chew Your Food Thoroughly ~ Savor each bite.  The more you chew, the easier it is for the rest of your digestion system to absorb nutrition.  When chewing, digestive enzymes mix with your saliva. This prepares the way for your gut, further breaking down foods for increased absorption. Additionally, when you chew mindfully, you’re pausing to savor each bite and really tasting your foods.

Exercise ~ This impacts mind and spirit too, especially if you exercise outside.  There are many benefits to being outside.  Nature helps us reduce anxiety and improve overall feelings of wellbeing.  God knew what he was doing when He created it.  Sunshine increases Vitamin D levels in your body which is vital to good health.  As a society most people do not get enough sunshine to absorb an adequate amount of D.  Every day, one needs a minimum of 10-15 minutes of sunshine to meet this requirement.  Why not move your body while absorbing Vitamin D…two benefits in one!   Make sure you “smell the roses” and notice the birds and trees.  Stress reduction in nature will have its most impact while mindfully appreciating its beauty. 

Spend Time with Those You Love ~ Research shows the importance of spending time with others.  Having strong relationships builds you up mentally, emotionally and physically.  Keeping personal relationships strong, makes you strong.  Time spent with supportive people lessens anxiety, which is especially important during these times of social distancing.  We can still talk on the phone, Zoom, Uberconference and stay 6 feet apart.

Put Social Media Down ~ Limit and control how much time you spend on surfing and allowing the negativity from news and other sources into your mind.  Negative experiences through social media correlates with depression.  Regarding the COVID-19 information, I can’t listen to the fear-driven news. Periodically, I listen to the president/governor for updates, visit the Center for Disease Control website and check the Weather Channel app for the number of virus cases. That’s enough for me. I also enjoy watching The Voice.  Latest plan, mute the commercials. There is too much marketing using COVID-19 that I do not need to hear. We choose what we bring into our homes and minds.  If what you are watching is causing stress, reduce the time you spend watching.  Social media has a purpose for sure but I need to set boundaries. What works best in your life?

Diffuse Essential Oils ~ There are many options.  Here is another blog I wrote about essential oils entitled “Essential Oils for Beginners:  Gift of Wellness”.  Read about my previous suggestions of where to start.  It can be overwhelming sorting through the sea of information as each essential oil has an immune boosting benefit and purpose.  It’s finding what’s right for your needs.  If you need help, contact me.  I’d be happy to point you in the right direction.

4-7-8 Breathing Method ~ This method created by Dr. Andrew Weil is helpful; I use it often to help me fall asleep.  Deep breathing activates the parasympathetic nervous system in your body.  Often times when you are stressed, you breath from your chest breath verses from your belly (lower lungs).  Try it anytime for relaxing your mind, body and spirit.  I’ve taught this method to many clients who now practice and find it helpful too.  Here’s how it works: 

  • Deep breath into lower lungs/abdomen and count to 4.

  • Hold and count to 7.

  • Exhale through your mouth while counting to 8.

  • Repeat this process 4 times.  After about six weeks of practicing, Dr. Weil suggests increasing to no more than 8 sets.  This is the top limit for everyone.

Sleep ~ How important is sleep to you and your body?  More important than most people realize.  It’s when your organs and brain rejuvenate and dump toxins.  If you want to have a restful night sleep, these are things you can do to help including exercise during the day and eating well.  Personally, I have to put my cell phone down at least 1-2 hours before bed.  The blue light interferes with my ability to have continuous, sound sleep.  Part of my after-dinner routine, I try to save hard problem solving for the next day to keep my mind from racing. Reading helps settle the mind too.  Make sure you eat at least two but preferably three hours before bed.  If your blood is in your stomach digesting, your organs and brain will fight for the same blood necessary to flush and detox. 

Prayer ~ Research shows that praying has a number of psychological and biological health benefits.  It can reduce pain, improve self-esteem, decrease anxiety and improve mood, reduce blood pressure and heart rate, boost the immune system response and affect melatonin and serotonin for sleep.  In my life, prayer is a discussion with God that I have throughout my day.

Your health journey is a process, not an event.  The choices you make increase the effectiveness of your immune system, assist in fighting and resisting illness, and improve your overall health and well-being.  As I said above…I don’t just say these words; I know from my own experiences.

Are there takeaways you’d like to implement in your life to improve how you take care of your mind, body and spirit?  What stands out for you?  Anything that wasn’t mentioned but you find helpful?  Please do share below.  Sharing is caring, and you never know who may benefit from your experience. 

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“In the same way, the spirit helps us in our weakness.  We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the spirit himself intercedes for us through wordless groans.” 

Romans 8:26 NIV